Over our 85+ year history, there have been many changes in Texas property tax laws and the way taxing jurisdictions deal with property owners. What used to be many independent appraising and taxing jurisdictions that had a great amount of latitude in dealing with their local tax issues have developed into more highly centralized and uniform taxation and appraisal bureaucracies. This has led to a more uniform and adversarial treatment of business and property owners by these appraisal districts and taxing entities.

"Through all the changes, Kirkwood and Darby, Inc. has been dedicated to providing responsible, cost effective representation on all property tax matters."
Our History
Kirkwood and Darby, Inc. actually begins as a one-man practice by Verner "V.R." Shurmon.
Verner is joined by Lee Kirkwood in 1936 forming the company of Shurmon and Kirkwood which exclusively serves the oil & gas industry.
W.J. "Butch" Darby joins the firm.
Gene Clark joins the firm.
With the retirement of Mr. Shurmon from active practice, the company becomes Kirkwood & Darby.
With the passing of both Lee Kirkwood and William J. Darby, the leadership of the company is entrusted with Gene Clark.
The company, no longer a partnership, becomes incorporated as Kirkwood and Darby, Inc.
After Mr. Clark passes away, two long-time employees, D. Bruce "Skip" Kongable and Debbie Welch assume leadership.
Trey Cobb, having been hired into Kirkwood and Darby, Inc. by Mr. Clark, purchases the firm from Mr. Kongable and Ms. Welch.